Accessible classes and
courses to reconnect you with your body.

I believe that most of us today need to re-connect with our body, that we need more flow state, less stress, less ‘fight & flight’ and less stagnation. We easily forget that we are creatures of nature! We tend to overrule the intelligence of the body and have become good at ignoring the signals that it is communicating to us - whilst these are such clever cues to help us restore our balance and health. For a lot of us, this creates a sense of un-ease & dis-ease.

I’ve been there. Stuck in my head, totally overwhelmed and not listening to my body - until my body forced me to stop. My learnings over the past years have helped me understand the connection between the body & mind in more depth and this has had such an obvious effect on my health & wellbeing. I see the same in my students. If we bring greater awareness to our inner workings, such as our mind, thoughts, sensations & emotions we start to understand how everything is connected. This has such a profound impact on our journey towards better physical health, emotional stability, healthier relationships, a sense of ease, creativity and overall happiness.

I hope my classes are a stepping stone for you to transform the way you feel. To go from feeling stressed, uncomfortable and limited, to feeling empowered, expansive, healthy and awesome in your own body.

- Ruby

Ruby’s teaching is grounded and she clearly and intelligently directs her students’ awareness so that they have a stronger connection with their bodies and energy flow. Ruby teaches in a down to earth way focussing on anatomy and alignment, helping her students to transform their practice in a safe way. Ruby is totally approachable and genuinely giving with her great knowledge and experience.
— Wiebke, Yogastudio Owner
Ruby is one of my favourite yoga teachers. I always enjoy her coherent, creative sequences and direction, in equal parts challenging and easeful, which leave me feeling a clarity of mind and stronger connection and appreciation for my body. I would highly recommend Ruby for anyone seeking an accessible, intelligent and highly capable yoga teacher with a skilful delivery and a depth of integrity to her practice and facilitation.”
— Dafna, Psychotherapist
Ruby is a pleasure and inspiration to be with in the yoga studio. She is an exceptional teacher. If you’re feeling energetic she encourages you to try something new. If you’re lacking energy she helps you get moving in the gentlest way. Whatever the day, she guides you through class with a voice that’s warm - like sunshine on your back. Go to her classes - you will emerge feeling in love with the world.
— Tina, Author & Illustrator
Ruby makes you feel safe to explore spirituality in urban terms, to challenge what stands between us and happy and by cultivating strength from a broken body or one that has spent too much time in a corporate slump. Ruby understands the foundations of yoga and by building up our knowledge, we are building up our awareness to move, think and live in a way with makes life feel exciting and limitless.
— Ally, Exec Assistant
I was quickly introduced to yoga a long time ago and it did not really click with me. Through a few personalised private classes, Ruby led me to fully appreciate the physical and mental benefits of this art. Her command of the field, caring and well-paced teaching method and subtle balance  of vinyasa and yin yoga enlightened me. I am now considering embedding yoga as part of my weekly routine to balance the drain and demands of corporate life and would highly recommend to anyone to have a go, especially if you are finding your life stressful.
— Alex, Consultant